Re: Re: [PATCH] make edge-flip work on resolution-change

        > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Teika Kazura 
> Gesendet: Di. 03.08.10 (01:54)
> An: sawfish-list gnome org
> Betreff: Re: [PATCH] make edge-flip work on resolution-change
> Chris, if you can, please XFree (? I'm not sure.) the old
> windows.

I'll check.

> After restar-flipper is called, flippers are enabled even if
> they were disabled. But I don't think it's your fault, but the
> original's. Chris, can you complete this task?

.  .. It looks like that flippers are auto-enabled as soon as the file is beeing loaded.

> > Now one only needs a to hook into randr-notify-change-hook to move
> > the pager (if used) back to the desired position.
> Not only the pager, but all placed-by-direction and viewport sticky
> windows, if it goes into the trunk. [1] I don't know how to filter
> such windows, and how to place them again.

There are some scripts which filter windows, so I guess it shouldn't be too hard to do.
The only thing is wether those are placed on the right viewport again.

for the placed-by-direction thingy... Is the list of window-matcher-values filterable?
If so we could simply re-place them on match.

Easiest would be for maximized windows.

As far as I can see that is all only needed when the screen size increases, but not if it decreases.

> [1] Policy for other windows, for example, a north-west window which
> only appear in the viewport slot (1, 0) is ambiguous. Currently
> Sawfish
> forgets the "previous screen size" which is necessary to enable fine
> control.

Perhaps we should save old resolution as old-screen-width and old-screen-height?

We might do a list like

 (class (viewport . position)))


 ("gimp/GIMP" ((1,0) . (north-west))

 (restore-viewport move-window-to-viewport (class . viewport))
 (restore-position move-window-to (class . position))

 ;; eg north-west = 0,0
(case position 
 (north-west (0, 0))

or would this be too hard to implement?
I guess it's finally time to read some more rep documentation XD

On the other hand.... how often do you change your screen-size?
Or the other way round... would be that rather huge function desirable for a seldom-used screen-resize?

I'm not sure here.


> It may be a good idea to break the thing into pieces, so that users
> can pick up only functions they want.
> Perhaps I'll do another questionnaire.
> Regards,
> Teika (Teika kazura)
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht Ende-----

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