Re: menu icons

Am Dienstag, den 15.09.2009, 07:13 -0600 schrieb Matthew Love:
> Hi all.
> I've got icons in menus working at initial functionality now, but have a
> few questions, specifically regarding image paths.
> Would it be more desirable to leave the icon functionality to load image
> files by their full path, putting any path finders/validators in calling
> scripts, such as menus.jl, and then have users set different image paths
> in their user scripts/sawfish-ui?  If so, what are some good default
> image paths that are avaialable on most systems? /usr/share/pixmaps/
> seems to be a good default to me, and then possibly add support for
> icons from different themes (gnome/oxygen/etc)?
> What are all of your thoughts in this regard?

... well /usr/share/pixmaps/ mostly contains ugly and old icons, you
should refer to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ instead. 

... I haven't yet checked wether gtk.icon_theme_get_default() (& co) is
implemented in rep-gtk, but you may use them to get icons. At first it
looks for an icon in $current_gtk_icon_theme, then it looks in the
hicolor theme. If I remember correctly, you'll need to catch up the case
there beeing no icon manually, as the app else exits with err code.

Thanks for your work,

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