How do you manage .sawfishrc ?

Hi, dear sawfish lovers. How do you manage your .sawfishrc ?

Mine is:
* All are recorded by subverison. (I didn't know git.)
* .sawfish/rc is minimum, and the rest is put in 
  ~/.sawfish/lisp/sawfish/my . (It should be so, but in reality,
  they lie in ~/.sawfish/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext . I began this by mimicking
* This allows breaking codes into files. I don't know much about lisp,
  and this facilitates bug hunting.
* All are byte compiled. This detects some syntax errors which sometimes
  survives code testing, even though they aren't so big.
* ~/.sawfish/custom is under SVN control, too. Because the line order
  changes each time, I take diff after 'sort'-ing. A bit paranoiac,
  but careless look'n'feel changes, mainly due to testing new codes,
  can annoy.
* New code snippet is first written in scratch.jl, which grows up as
  code piles. Emacs users can feed the code to the sawfish with

This thread is inspired by the comment of Eli Barzilay:
> my .sawfishrc is almost at 1k lines.

Teika (Teika kazura)

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