X upgrade & modifier illness (was: Window-cycle goes between two only.)


On Sat, 2 May 2009 15:16:50 -0700, Rodrigo Gallardo wrote:
> On Sat, May 02, 2009 at 12:37:38PM +0200, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
>> Am Samstag, den 02.05.2009, 12:35 +0200 schrieb Christopher Roy
>> Bratusek:
>> > Am Samstag, den 02.05.2009, 13:51 +0900 schrieb Teika Kazura:
>> > > I realized that recently window cycling does not work properly.
>> > > Only two are interchanged, and others are ignored.
>> > 
>> > [...]
>> To be more exactly simply pressing Alt+Tab rotates between the current
>> and the last window. To rotate between other windows, too keep Alt
>> pressed and press Tab again.

I found the cause. Modifier keys get auto repeated after upgrading
Xorg server to 1.5. (X11 7.4) (And driver from kdb to evdev.)
Thus, the server took it as released each time.

So the below line for each modifier solved:
xset -r <keycode>

# And it is not activated unless the following accompanies:
# $ xset r rate x y

This helped for another problem I've had with Super, too. That is, I
bind Super + F1 to maximize-window-toggle. After X upgrade, after a
press & release of Super + F1, Super "remained", so an F1 toggles
maximization, and pressing, say, right arrow on emacs results in a
complaint message "<s-right> is undefined". I had to press & release
Super again to cure it.

> I used to have a similar problem, where Alt+Tab would change the
> window, but then pressing Tab without releasing Alt would not cycle to
> the next, but instead send an Alt+Tab event to the newly focused
> window. I solved it by adding (Alt+Tab -> Cycle step) and
> (S+A+Tab -> Cycle step backwards) to the 'cycle' keymap.

Strange. This seems different from my case, but the above prescription
may be worth a try.

Thanks, Chris & Rodrigo Gallardo for comments. Now I'm a happy sawfish
user again.

Teika (Teika kazura)

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