Re: [Patch] fix non-english letters in root-menu -> windows and window-menu->In group issue

Hi, Chris.

On Sat, 20 Jun 2009 01:53:45 +0200, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
> one additional info: the reson why the widgets have no label is pretty
> simple: the function for creating the widgets does not receive one
> (tested it via making the label non-optional), so we need to find the
> point there the labels get lost ...

You mean in sawfish.gtk or sawfish.ui, or in rep-gtk? 

It sounds strange per se, but the problem in sawfish configurator is
that the text is cut off at the first non-english (non-ascii may be
more correct) letter, so I fear it may not be the direct cause.

Teika (Teika kazura)

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