Re: Poll on infinite-desktop, viewport and workspace?

Am Samstag, den 25.07.2009, 14:38 +0900 schrieb Teika Kazura:
> Thank you all for taking time to reply.
> This poll is fun, so I'm going to put it on wiki, too. I'll add:
> * What's your focus mode?


> * Favorite script?


> * Your own hacks?

some bits in sawfish, like raise-tabs-on-hover

> Any suggestion? (Well, it was intended to give clue on
> viewport improvements, but it doesn't have to be so restrictive.)
> I wrote:
> > 6. I jump around 2x2 viewport with Shift+arrow. I can easily "carry"
> > windows across different viewports. I have a key for
> > "toggle-window-sticky", so I pick up a window, go to the destination
> > viewport, and leave it there.
> > I'm quite satisfied with viewport.
> I switch viewport with key, and each of my viewports remembers the
> previous pointer position and focus. So I can easily resume the
> stopped work. This is done with the script:
> (I like the author :)
> > b. I have "Focus window when mapped" option enabled, but I'd like
> > another option "Exception for window whose parent is invisible".  My
> > aim is for parent windows in another viewport. What do you think?
> Let me explain more on this. For example, assume that web page loading
> is slow, and I decide to start something other, say typing, in other
> viewport. Now a window of the browser suddenly appears, requiring
> confirmation. But I'm typing! So a hit on space is swallowed by the
> new window, not knowing what kind of confirmation it was.
> This must be common for viewport users. This is not so difficult, but
> I won't write this code right now.
> Thanks,
> Teika (Teika kazura)

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