Re: [README] Possible Goals for 1.3.5

On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 10:48 PM, Christopher Bratusek
<nano-master gmx de> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm currently browsing through sawfish's bugzilla entry to look for
> interessting stuff.
> Here's a list of bugs that I personally would like to have as goals for
> 1.3.5
> Tell me what you think.


I will look for 5 and 6, but in the next few days I will be a little
busy. I have some doubts about point 4, point 2 doesn't seem a 10
minutes hack.  (^__^;)

I was interested to add a command line "--replace" option to replace a
currently running WM, but I'm still in the documentation phase. Some
days ago I was looking how is done on Metacity. Seems it needs the
cooperation of the running WM, is it documented somewhere?.

I have an improved version of stop-focus mode, it depends on one liner
patch to slide-window.jl, a pretty harmless hook, but I need to update
the documentation before to propose it.


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