Re: Font problem

From: Michal Jaegermann <michal harddata com>
Subject: Re: Font problem
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2008 09:46:30 -0700

> On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 04:28:12PM +0100, Petter Gustad wrote:
> > 
> > I can't select a default font using the sawfish-ui, or I can
> > select it but it has no effect. If I select fixed-8 the next time I
> > run it the font is the same, some large Helvetica font (which takes up
> > a large portion of my screen real estate).
> It sounds like you need a Pango support.

Yes it's probably related to Pango.

> > I'm using sawfish version 1.3.3. 
> It seems to me that Pango was there already without patching.
> Maybe it should turn on in a configuration?
> > I've also tried setting the defualt font in my .sawfishrc file:
> > 
> > (setq default-font (get-font "fixed" 12))
> > 
> > which does not work either.
> That will look somewhat like that:
> (custom-set-typed-variable (quote default-font)
>  (quote ("Pango" . "Bitstream Vera Sans Bold 13")) (quote font))
> and sawfish-ui should do that for you in your ~/.sawfish/custom

Yes, it ends up in custom:

(custom-set-typed-variable (quote default-frame-style) (quote BeOSII)
(quote frame-style))
(custom-set-typed-variable (quote default-font) (quote ("Pango" . "Fixed 8")) (quote font))

The sample text in sawfish-ui looks right, it's just that is does seem
to be used as the default font. All menus in Firefox, acroread,
sawfish-ui, etc. are huge Helvetica style fonts.


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