Re: SawTabs and Merlin.Ugliness 1.0.0

* Christopher Bratusek <nano-master gmx de> wrote:
> I just took some time and Uploaded SawTabs and Merlin.Ugliness 
> 1.0.0.
> Since both got no maintainer (anymore) ...

Wow, I didn't even know that existed.  :)

I looked at some diffs between SawTabs and my earlier sawfish tab 
setup, and it's almosts the same...  mostly, SawTabs seems to 
have removed some documentation and other comments.

I have another tab-compatible theme, BTW...  I'll have to clean 
it up a bit and upload it.

It's been, uh, almost a year or so since I used it, and I recall 
it required tweaking some constants.  I at least need to figure 
out what those values were.  :)

-- Scott

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