Re: new tab theme: get-S-tabbed

* Christopher Bratusek <nano-master gmx de> wrote:
> > my second tab-enabled sawfish theme:
> Cool. This one is my new default and got 5 of 5 stars from me :)


I actually haven't used it for about a year...  and now that I 
have it enabled again, I remember some of the things which bugged 
me about it.  Some of these should be fixed:

  - The bottom border and corners cover the window content.
  - There is a small gap between the sides of a window and the 
    window's bounding box.  Even if a window is on the edge of 
    the screen, I can't grab its edge by tossing the mouse; it 
    has to be carefully aimed instead.
  - It has buttons I never use.  If I accidentally iconify a 
    window, it's hard to get the window back.

I don't really know much about rep or sawfish's code, though.  
All my sawfish work so far has involved a lot of trial and error 
for fairly simple changes.

-- Scott

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