Re: lightweight desktop: components?

On Feb 19, 2008 12:43 AM, Kristian Rink <kawazu zimmer428 net> wrote:
> Folks;
> first off, a short "Hello" to everyone out here - after switching to
> XFCE years ago, I'm about to rediscover sawfish as a lightweight and
> visually enjoyable wm on an older machine, which also does well with my
> applications used (mostly GTK2 based). So far, however, window manager
> just is one thing to make up a pleasant desktop, so to ask: What other
> components along with sawfish do you use out there, mainly talking about
> - desktop panel / tasklist / system tray,
> - desktop background setting / configuration app,
> - app for providing desktop icons (if any),
> - visual file manager?

XFCE does all of that, and is pretty lightweight. So what's wrong with
that choice?


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