Re: Sawfish release 1.3.2

Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz said:     (by the date of Mon, 4 Feb 2008 09:03:38 -0600)

> I've just gotten around to downloading it for updating Debian. And
> found that the tarball contains the sources *after running
> ./configure*
> That's bad, because they then contain references to the arch they were
> configured in (i486, in this case) which causes trouble when
> automatically compiling in others (as is done in Debian).
> Please, for future releases, take care to run 
>  make distclean
> before making the tarball.

oh no. Once again I made a mistake when preparing the tarball, I'm
really sorry. How serious is it? Should I upload another tarball? 
When doing next release, before letting the tarball go, I'll ask you
if it's ok. In fact I was following the instructions on

The "Final Steps" section:

# Bump up the version number in file
# '' and 'make' the source
# 'make distcheck' the source to obtain the release tarball
# Commit the changes

But 'make distcheck' didn't work. So I made tarball by hand. Should I
at this point call 'make distclean' and make tarball by hand?

Apart from that, does anybody here think that we should make soon a
relase with that utf-8-names-fix ?

best regards
Janek Kozicki                                                         |

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