Re: librep/rep-gtk/sawfish compilation issues

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 09:11:40PM +0100, Christopher Bratusek wrote:
> Am Samstag, den 27.12.2008, 16:09 -0700 schrieb Michal Jaegermann:
>     The real change is added '--install' option to libtoolize.
> This is caused by libtool 2.x, for libtool 1.x --install was not needed.

It is worse.  With libtool 1.x '--install' is not accepted so in my
spec files I have now a check for a libtool version and the patch in
question is applied conditionally on that.

OTOH I found that with libtool 1.x an absence of a subdirectory 'm4'
makes libtoolize quite unhappy for a change.  Nothing particular in
this subdirectory seems to be required but it better be there.

Just for an extra fun.


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