Re: Window prop list & prop del && Focus policy improvement

Christopher Bratusek <nano-master gmx de> writes:
> Trunk (after my "Major C-Part Clean-Up" patch has been commited)

As your cleanup patch went in after Teika's patch, it seems that no
committed revision builds with -pedantic -ansi.

> Trunk. (I made changes to it)

Indeed, quite a few it seems.  At the time I was testing librep trunk
did not build with -pedantic -ansi.  By the way, if you want to clean
up the code, you should work toward reducing void * abuse.  void *
should only be used when the pointed type cannot be known at compile
time.  Trying to placate the compiler may lead to the wrong direction

> around line 80. There's one // but that's c++ style. for c it has to
> be /* */

Grepping for // I see it is not the only one, but apparently dlmalloc.c
hasn't been used since 2002.

> and the "static struct prop_handler *prop_handlers;" has to be placed
> before prop_handler{}

It bothers me that I don't understand why.  Otherwise I'd say commit

	Timo Korvola		<URL:>

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