Re: where is mxflat

* Christopher Bratusek <nano-master gmx de> wrote:
> You'll find it here:

Based on its screenshot...

I'm guessing it won't be easy after all.  This is probably the 
most complicated theme available.  There are two issues to figure 

  - With user-configurable buttons and positions and such, it may 
    be difficult to figure out where exactly the title area is...  
    So far, the position of the title area has been hard-coded 
    into the user's tab config, so the problem is getting the tab 
    code and the theme code to communicate.

  - The title area has no visual edges, so I'd have to add 
    something to put between tabs.  This would also end up on the 
    left and right edges of the overall title area; not just 
    between tabs.  So, at least some visual changes are probably 
    needed, unless people prefer having no separator between tabs.

Both of these would be much easier if I knew more about sawfish's 
lisp code.  I'm kinda stumbling in the dark.

I also suspect that some other options will break, like the 
ability to use non-centered titles.

-- Scott

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