Re: Cannot "Grab" anything (*** Remote sawfish error...)

On 10/17/07, Andrea Vettorello <andrea vettorello gmail com> wrote:
> On 10/15/07, Andrea Vettorello <andrea vettorello gmail com> wrote:
> [...]
> > I can't reproduce it with the current Debian packages (Sid), i'll try
> > to install it from source, other than that i've no other idea.
> >
> I've tried to install from a SVN checkout on a couple of PC, Debian
> Etch and Debian Sid (both IA32 though), but again i can't reproduce
> it.
> As a workaround you can manually insert the required properties of a
> running application using xprop and grepping what you need, for
> example to match the "Name" of a window use "WM_NAME" or "WM_CLASS"
> for "Class". It's ugly but i've no other clues.

It's OK for xprop.


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