[sabayon] status

End of the day, a bunch more mozilla code checked in, from the change
log: (Note, there are still some rough edges and a known bug)

	* Expand mozilla functionality. The MozillaChange class has more
	info. An individual pref in a javascript file is now its own
	class. We now recognize the different javascript pref functions
	and record them. We now have two new functions for writing a
	javascript pref file. More get_* functions for various
	classes. commit_changes now respect mandatory flag and cache
	committed preferences for later processing. The default profiles
	prefs.js is now added to the profile (but I'm not sure thats the
	right thing to do, but it had to exist for testing, I'll revisit
	this). apply now knows the difference between javascript
	preference files and other files. apply now merges javascript
	prefs into the default profile's prefs.js respecting the mandatory

	Issues: What to do with multiple firefox profiles? At the moment
	we only apply to the default firefox profile. Perhaps the apply
	should occur for all firefox profiles, not just the default. By
	the same token should the recorded preferences be the union of all
	changed profiles or just the default? If its the union which one
	wins when there is an overlap? There may be ordering problems with
	the apply, the profiles.ini file should exist first, and then the
	prefs.js file, before merging occurs. Nothing at the moment
	enforces this ordering (we've been lucky). Should we take
	advantage of the user.js file instead of merging into prefs.js? We
	sometimes fail to recognize there is a profiles.ini file which
	controls many important functions. If we don't know its there we
	fail to recognize files we need to watch because that file defines
	where profiles live. At the moment I think this is due to ordering
	relationship between class creation (one place we look for the
	file), the apply extraction of that file, and the subsequent file
	monitoring. Probably fix is to create the profiles ini object
	after apply extraction of the file.

John Dennis <jdennis redhat com>

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