Re: Rygel Stream Location Changes with each Re-start

Using gupnp-universal-cp to examine a rygel stream, I see this for the
location on successive re-boots:

That is an issue described in the faq. Your system time is either older than the date of the installed tempalte files or the home directory of the user
running rygel is not persisted during reboots.

i.e. both the port and the address change

With a twonky stream the location remains unchanged on reboot:

If I understand correctly, rygel cannot parse playlists, so I am
obliged to create a playlist on the control point (in this case the
Naim iOS App for my Naim streamer).

Semi-correct. Given a UPnP controller that supports it, you can create
playlists on the server (when running on MediaExport and I have not seen
such a controller in the wild). There are patches for exposing on-disk
playlists for Tracker and MediaExport, but both need some love.

The problem is, each time I re-boot the machine running rygel, the
control point playlist is rendered invalid due to the change in the
rygel stream location address.

Is there a way to force rygel to always use the same port?

-p on connmandline or port=.... in config

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