RE: Rygel-0.32.1 will not stream outside the gnome evironment

I disabled media export in rygel.conf, started tracker manually and 
now rygel will stream.
Since I'd rather not use tracker on the RPi, is there a way to test 
media export to try and get it working?

Why? It's certainly more intelligent and with the recent extractor sandboxing more secure in extracting 
meta-data than Rygel.

It's one more item to install and configure on a low resource headless system.

Can you please run strace -f -o mx-extract.log mx-extract -m 

paste the extract again and ctrl-c when it gets stuck and send the log?       

Log attached.

Note that tracker was not present and, as has happened a couple of times, I had to <ctrl-C> a couple of times 
to stop rygel (see below).

$ strace -f -o mx-extract.log /usr/local/lib/rygel/mx-extract -m
MediaExport-Message: rygel-media-export-extract.vala:163: Started with descriptors 0 (in) 1 (out)
EXTRACT file:///home/tc/Music/terminator.wav|audio/x-wav

$ rygel
Rygel-Message: rygel-acl.vala:143: No ACL fallback policy found. Using "allow"
Rygel-Message: Rygel v0.32.1 starting?

(rygel:3478): RygelCore-WARNING **: Failed to load module from path 
'/usr/local/lib/rygel-2.6/plugins/': cannot open shared object 
file: No such file or directory
RygelCore-Message: New plugin 'Playbin' available
RygelCore-Message: New plugin 'MediaExport' available
MediaExport-Message: rygel-media-export-extract.vala:163: Started with descriptors 3 (in) 4 (out)
MediaExport-Message: rygel-media-export-extract.vala:163: Started with descriptors 3 (in) 4 (out)
MediaExport-Message: rygel-media-export-extract.vala:163: Started with descriptors 3 (in) 4 (out)
RygelServer-Message: rygel-thumbnailer.vala:132: No D-Bus thumbnailer available
MediaExport-Message: 'file:///home/tc/Pictures' harvested
MediaExport-Message: rygel-media-export-harvesting-task.vala:300: Harvesting of file:///home/tc/Pictures done 
in 0.160831
(rygel:3478): MediaExport-WARNING **: Process check_async failed: Child process killed by signal 2

(rygel:3478): MediaExport-WARNING **: Skipping URI file:///home/tc/Music/Video_Games.flac; extraction 
completely failed: Process died while handling URI file:///home/tc/Music/Video_Games.flac

(rygel:3478): MediaExport-WARNING **: Process check_async failed: Child process killed by signal 2

(rygel:3478): MediaExport-WARNING **: Skipping URI file:///home/tc/Videos/video_test.mp4; extraction 
completely failed: Process died while handling URI file:///home/tc/Videos/video_test.mp4
MediaExport-Message: rygel-media-export-extract.vala:163: Started with descriptors 3 (in) 4 (out)
MediaExport-Message: rygel-media-export-extract.vala:163: Started with descriptors 3 (in) 4 (out)

Attachment: mx-extract.log.tar.xz
Description: mx-extract.log.tar.xz

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