Hi all,
I have some newbie questions about dbus/MPRIS implementation for Rygel, I never used dbus nor mpris before so please be indulgent ;).

1. I would like to control rygel renderer thru mpris (mostly to get metadata on current playing song and possibly to control basic play-pause-stop). Is that possible?

2. If I run:
         mdbus2 org.gnome.Rygel1 /org/gnome/Rygel1
   I get some capabilities but no one about Media Player control, is that normal?
   I'm able to ping, get machine id, shutdown, ...

3. If I'm asking for GetAll Properties I receive an empty array in return, is that normal?

4. If not possible to use MPRIS to get metadata on playing song, is there any other way do to so?

Thanks for informations.

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