Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] (no subject)

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 9:06 AM, Michael Wyckmans
<michael wyckmans gmail com> wrote:
Hello rhythmbox developer,

I am sorry to bother you like this. I really like rhythmbox but I was
wondering how the function that searches for podcast works. I mean, where is
the database that is adressed when looking for a specific podcast.

I'm not really sure what you're asking for here. Rhythmbox maintains a
list of your personal podcast subscriptions in its database, which you
can pull out like this:

$ grep -A10 podcast-feed ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml  | grep location

You can subscribe to any RSS feed that includes downloadable audio
items, whether anyone else in the world knows about it or not. Just
enter the feed URL in the podcast add page.

If you enter search terms rather than a feed URL, Rhythmbox searches
the itunes store and for feeds that match.

All this is handily described in the source code, which you might like to read.

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