Hi! Where are the star ratings maintained on a system running Ubuntu 9.04 and Rhythmbox 0.12.0? My library is small (now), 861 MP3 songs. Each is rated from 3 to 5 stars. A note on the web for version 0.11.8 suggests that that data is in ~./gnome2/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml. However, rhythmdb.xml doesn't exist anywhere on my system. In fact ~./gnome2/rhythmbox is empty even when viewed via Midnight Commander (mc) which is not shy about hidden files. Searching "File System" for "rhythmdb" via the Places/Search for Files ... option produces no results. So ... I guess they are not still stored in rhythmdb.xml. This is important because I have decided to create a dedicated audio/visual machine for recording, editing, organization, etc. Moving the songs from my "business" system to my "music" system via a USB memory stick was a snap. But, the ratings do not come with them. Where are they kept? Thank you. --
Dino |