Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] More suggestions

On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 22:54 -0600, Juan Alejandro H. Cardenas wrote:

> 3. The Ipod doesn't support OGG files and my music library is in ogg
> format, so i need to
>     open "sound converter" to conver my ogg files to mp3 files. Maybe
> Rhythmbox could
>     simplify this by adding an option in the context menu of each
> song:
>     "Convert to" -> "Mp3, Ogg, Acc, Flc, Wav, whatever gstreamer
> understand" and control
>     the converted file destination in the preferences: 
>     "Delete the source file, Put it in the source file's destination,
> Put it in Destkop, etc, etc."
>     and make sure that idtag is written too in the new file.

Rhythmbox already does this, sort of. If you drag a song to your iPod
source (or any music player) that isn't in a format the player supports,
it will automatically convert it. You need to have an encoding profile
set up for the format in Edit->Preferences->Music->Preferred formats.

Adam Zimmerman <adam_zimmerman sfu ca>

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