Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Play Queue caption patch

On Sun, 2008-07-27 at 12:00 +0000, Jonathan Matthew
<notverysmart gmail com> wrote:

> Please attach patches to bugs in; otherwise, they
> tend to be forgotten.

Understood. Posted to...

> We don't use hungarian notation..

Fixed. Old habits die hard.

> .. or c++-style comments.

Fixed. Thanks.

> Most of the rest of the code from here on was more or less identical
> to
> that in rhythmdb_compute_status_normal.  Rather than adding another
> mostly-identical copy, it should be extracted out into a utility
> function somewhere.

Sort of. There are some subtle differences in the generated string since
it needs to be slightly more compact, given where it is displayed. It
also needed some different hints for gettext. Nevertheless, I figured
the code may be re-used again so I put it in its own routine as you

Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
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