[Rhythmbox-devel] Play Queue caption patch

Greetings Everyone,

I've modified the Play Queue GUI to display the total play list time.
When there are no tracks queued, the default is displayed as it was

Play Queue

When there are tracks queued, rather than displaying something like

Play Queue (8)

...it now displays...

Play Queue (8): 39 minutes, 28 seconds

I am receptive to criticism and I'd appreciate it if one of the
maintainers could look over my patch for consideration to apply against
svn head in trunk.


Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred
Index: sources/rb-play-queue-source.c
--- sources/rb-play-queue-source.c	(revision 5821)
+++ sources/rb-play-queue-source.c	(working copy)
@@ -457,28 +457,89 @@
 				   GtkTreeModel *model,
 				   gint offset)
-	gint count = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (model, NULL) + offset;
-	RBPlayQueueSourcePrivate *priv = RB_PLAY_QUEUE_SOURCE_GET_PRIVATE (source);
-	char *name = _("Play Queue");
-	GtkAction *action;
-	/* update source name */
-	if (count > 0)
-		name = g_strdup_printf ("%s (%d)", name, count);
+        gint count = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (model, NULL) + offset;
+        RBPlayQueueSourcePrivate *priv = RB_PLAY_QUEUE_SOURCE_GET_PRIVATE (source);
+        char *name = _("Play Queue");
+        char *pszTemp = NULL;
+        GtkAction *action;
-	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (source), "name", name, NULL);
-	gtk_tree_view_column_set_title (priv->sidebar_column, name);
+        // There are items available, update name to reflect this...
+        if (count > 0) {
-	if (count > 0)
-		g_free (name);
+            // Compute and format components of total duration needed later...
+                // Total duration...
+                glong const lTotalDuration = 
+                rhythmdb_query_model_get_duration(RHYTHMDB_QUERY_MODEL(model));
+                /* I think I am doing something wrong in the call above here,
+                   since removing a track from the play queue doesn't always
+                   result in the correct duration being returned here when this
+                   function is invoked - Kip (kip thevertigo com) */
+                // Days...
+                glong const lDays = lTotalDuration / (60 * 60 * 24);
+                char *pszDays = g_strdup_printf(
+                    ngettext ("%ld day", "%ld days", lDays), lDays);
+                // Hours...
+                gint const nHours   = (lTotalDuration / (60 * 60)) - (lDays * 24);
+                char *pszHours = g_strdup_printf(
+                    ngettext ("%d hour", "%d hours", nHours), nHours);
+                // Minutes...
+                gint const nMinutes = (lTotalDuration / 60) - ((lDays * 24 * 60) + (nHours * 60));
+                char *pszMinutes = g_strdup_printf(
+                    ngettext ("%d minute", "%d minutes", nMinutes), nMinutes);
+                // Seconds...
+                gint const nSeconds = lTotalDuration % 60;
+                char *pszSeconds = g_strdup_printf(
+                    ngettext ("%d second", "%d seconds", nSeconds), nSeconds);
+            // Long enough to mention days, hours, minutes, and seconds...
+            if (lDays > 0)
+                pszTemp = g_strjoin(", ", pszDays, pszHours, pszMinutes, pszSeconds, NULL);
+            // Long enough to mention hours, minutes, and seconds...
+            else if (nHours > 0)
+                pszTemp = g_strjoin(", ", pszHours, pszMinutes, pszSeconds, NULL);
+            // Long enough to mention minutes and seconds...
+            else if (nMinutes > 0)
+                pszTemp = g_strjoin(", ", pszMinutes, pszSeconds, NULL);
+            // Too short to mention anything other than seconds...
+            else
+                pszTemp = g_strdup(pszSeconds);
+            // Format the final string to display...
+            name = g_strdup_printf(
+            	"%s (%d): %s", _("Play Queue"), count, pszTemp);
+            // Cleanup...
+            g_free (pszTemp);
+            g_free (pszDays);
+            g_free (pszHours);
+            g_free (pszMinutes);
+            g_free (pszSeconds);
+        }
+        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (source), "name", name, NULL);
+        gtk_tree_view_column_set_title (priv->sidebar_column, name);
+        // Cleanup...
+        if (count > 0)
+            g_free (name);
 	/* make 'clear queue' and 'shuffle queue' actions sensitive when there are entries in the queue */
-	action = gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->action_group,
-					      "ClearQueue");
-	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (action), "sensitive", (count > 0), NULL);
+        action = gtk_action_group_get_action (
+            priv->action_group, "ClearQueue");
+        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (action), "sensitive", (count > 0), NULL);
-	action = gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->action_group, "ShuffleQueue");
-	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (action), "sensitive", (count > 0), NULL);
+        action = gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->action_group, "ShuffleQueue");
+        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (action), "sensitive", (count > 0), NULL);
 static void

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