Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Rhythmbox UI mockup

forgot to add the link to the new mockup :D silly me

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 6:41 PM, John McHugh <tretle gmail com> wrote:
> I added the curves and moved the buttons to a new location... still
> not sure about the button location though
> On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 2:47 PM, John McHugh <tretle gmail com> wrote:
>> I just noticed another problem with the mockup, when you press
>> visualization button in said mockup the brows and visualization
>> buttons are hidden by the visualization.
>> On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 1:11 PM, Mats Taraldsvik
>> <mats taraldsvik broadpark no> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Great!
>>> Here are my two cents:
>>> On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 00:24 +0100, John McHugh wrote:
>>>> Got bored, remembered discussion about the progress bar so created a
>>>> mockup of what rhythmbox would look like if the progress bar was
>>>> relocated.
>>> Looks good. I would perhaps have rounded corners. Perhaps (plugin / ui /
>>> additional ) buttons not related to play/pause/next etc. could be placed
>>> after or before the volume?
>>> Make another "module" below the progress bar(/module) with search/
>>> (all/artists/albums/titles)/toggle browser.
>>> Align "Library |>" and the "treeview"/browser/track listing.
>>>> Other changes included a full frame around the album art(The frame
>>>> currently doesn't cover the top), and the categories integrate better
>>>> with the theme(right now they stay grey regardless of the theme).
>>> I like it :)
>>>> As for the progress bar debate, I don't really know where I stand
>>>> because I can see problems with both ui's. The current one increases
>>>> screen real estate for the playback which increases precision at the
>>>> cost of loosing screen real estate for the library itself.
>>>> Moving the progress bar into the toolbar would increase the screen
>>>> real estate for the music library at the cost of loosing precision.
>>>> In the mockup I have completely removed the currently playing artist
>>>> info (song-artist-album). The reason I removed this was because I felt
>>>> it was wasting screen real estate when 2 out of 3 are already
>>>> displayed in the window decoration.
>>>> Currently the artist and song are displayed in the window decoration
>>>> but if the album was also displayed you could gain a considerable
>>>> amount of space in rhythmbox itself regardless of whether the progress
>>>> bar is moved or not.
>>> With my "module" / toolbar(s) solution, a button to toggle
>>> artist/album/etc could be added before or after "volume"-button.
>>>> The mockup can be viewed here -
>>> ( Despite being rubbish in GIMP, I could try to mock this idea, if that
>>> is necessary/ my explanation causes confution. )
>>> Regards,
>>> Mats

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