Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Post-Amarok questions: related songs and auto-scoring

> BTW, the default algorithm seems to be an easy one:

I double checked, and my amarok has something different installed.
Here it is (one can easily see that the score is just average
of percentages):

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Amarok Script for custom scoring
# (c) 2006 Gábor Lehel <illissius gmail com>
# License: GNU General Public License V2

require 'uri'

loop do
    args = gets.chomp.split(" ")

    case args[0]
        when "configure"
            msg  = 'This script does not require any configuration.'
            `dcop amarok playlist popupMessage "#{msg}"`

        when "requestNewScore"
            url = args[1]
            prevscore = args[2].to_f
            playcount = args[3].to_i
            length = args[4].to_i
            percentage = args[5].to_i
            reason = args[6]

            if( playcount <= 0 ) # not supposed to be less, but what the hell.
                newscore = ( prevscore + percentage ) / 2
                newscore = ( ( prevscore * playcount ) + percentage ) / ( playcount + 1 )

            system( "dcop", "amarok", "player", "setScoreByPath", URI::decode( url ), newscore.to_s )

| Marcin Kasperski   | If we are to be successful, we must still have
| |    the courage to put our faith in people as
|                    |  opposed to a process. (Booch,Martin,Newkirk)

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