Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Rating Songs

Dnia 05-01-2008, So o godzinie 12:24 -0800, FIREcracker pisze:
> I was wondering how the rate of a song is stored!
> I think there is a database in which all the infos are stored, because if i
> change the position of a song, the rate info is lost!
> Is there a way to store the "rate" within the tag of the song? it would be

I don't think storing such info within a track is a good idea. That's
your personal data, not the song metadata per se. IMO track tags should
only include as much info as can be found on, say, MusicBrainz. Things
like genre, tags, comments, rate  or whatever should be stored in ones
personal database.

> very usefull while using few programs that manage the same mp3s ( i
> experience this, because i'm using gtkpod for the ipod, but the ratings set
> with rhythmbox are not recognized)

But different programs use different formats to store rate. There is no
standard here.

I think the best way to store such data is to use eg. Tracker and make
all music applications query it for additional data (that is all
personal data, not found in the tags). There has already been
proposition for integrating Tracker with Rhythmbox (or the other way
round) [1]. In my opinion it is a good idea, but not necessarily the way
it was said in the mentioned article.

I don't want to see all my music files in Rhythmbox - only those that
are of fair quality (tag-wise). I store them in a separate folder than
the untagged/badly-tagged ones. But at least storing metadata there is a
good idea.

The only question is whether we should go Tracker-dependent or could we
reuse some spec like Xesam to allow cross-operability.


Piotr Gaczkowski

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