Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Feedback on album cover support

On 2/17/07, James Livingston <doclivingston gmail com> wrote:
On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 17:18 -0200, Evandro Fernandes Giovanini wrote:
> Em Qui, 2007-02-15 às 23:31 +1100, James "Doc" Livingston escreveu:
> > Rhythmbox does this too, except for when the main Rhythmbox window is
> > visible (since it's redundant then).
> IMO it's always redundant, as you're notified that a new song started by
> the song itself.

It's not completely redundant, if you're can't see the main Rhythmbox
window, as you might want to know what song has just started. If you
don't want to see them, you can turn them off (right click on the tray

I wasn't going to go there, but I agree that it's not redundant. It's
not always completely apparent at the beginning of a song what it is,
or for that matter, exactly when a song changes. (Often there is a
period of silence at the end of a song.)

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