Hi, I've did a bit more research how to construct a custom query for the rhythmdb but now I'm stuck again. Here is what I've got: db = shell.get_property ('db') db.query_model_new(...) The problem is, that I don't know nothing about how to specify the arguments for query_model_new(). I do know which parameters I want to supply but that's all (rhythdb.PROP_ARTIST, rhythmdb.QUERY_PROP_LIKE and an string for the artist). It would be really cool if someone could show me a small snippet. Thanks, Lars -- "Kriterium des Wahren ist nicht seine unmittelbare Kommunizierbarkeit an jedermann" -- Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, aus: »Negative Dialektik« name: Lars H. Strojny web: http://strojny.net street: Engelsstraße 23 blog: http://usrportage.de city: D-51103 Köln mail/jabber: lars strojny net f-print: 1FD5 D8EE D996 8E3E 1417 328A 240F 17EB 0263 AC07
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