Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Rhythmbox and MTP support

There is the beginning of work to get creative devices (via libnjb) to work.

You might want to look at that. I have a Zen Micro, myself, and the patch doesn't seem to do anything other than make RB crash when I plug it into the computer.
Good luck,

Lorenzo Frattini wrote:
Hi everybody,
I just subscribed to this mailing list so, first of all, let me introduce
myself: my name is Lorenzo, and I'm from Italy. I'm a student, even if
at the moment, I'm working on my master thesis for getting my degree in
"Computer Science Engineering for Web & Communication" at the
Politecnico di Milano University (nothing related to the free software world, unfortunately)...

The reason I'm writing you today, is that I'd like to have some
information about the current state of support in Rhythmbox for MTP
devices (such as Creative Zen portable players). As far as I know,
Rhythmbox doesn't support such devices yet, and I think this is actually
the last very-missing feature of this amazing piece of software you're
giving to the World.
So here's the
 question: is anybody working on MTP support for Rhythmbox?
Has nothing ever been made and maybe left aside? Is anybody willing to
start working on it?

I've never contributed yet to any Free Software project, but this would
be a nice place to try to start in my spare time (even if unfortunately
is not that much :(
If you have any suggestion feel free to mail me back.

Thank you in advance to all,

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