Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] CPU pegged upon startup - 0.9.3

On Thu, 2006-02-09 at 06:23 +1000, Jonathan Matthew wrote:
> an you try running rhythmbox -d to see if this is the case?  You'll
> probably see a series of messages about 'executing
> RHYTHMDB_ACTION_LOAD', the last of which will be the interesting one.

[0x8319a28] [action_thread_main] rhythmdb.c:2001 (09:05:31): executing
RHYTHMDB_ACTION_STAT for "file:///home/drfickle/Music/7%20Seconds%20Of%
[0x8319a28] [action_thread_main] rhythmdb.c:2001 (09:05:31): executing
RHYTHMDB_ACTION_STAT for "file:///home/drfickle/Music/Todd%20Snider/New%
[0x8319a28] [action_thread_main] rhythmdb.c:2001 (09:05:31): executing
RHYTHMDB_ACTION_STAT for "file:///home/drfickle/Music/Comedy/Todd%

Here's where it hangs.

So it appears I have 2 copies of the same song. From what I can tell,
they are identical:

[drfickle flooterbu ~]$ file Music/Todd\ Snider/New\ Connection/Todd\
Snider\ -\ Beer\ Run.mp3
Music/Todd Snider/New Connection/Todd Snider - Beer Run.mp3: MP3 file
with ID3 version 2.3.0 tag
[drfickle flooterbu ~]$ file Music/Comedy/Todd\ Snider\ -\ Beer\ Run.mp3
Music/Comedy/Todd Snider - Beer Run.mp3: MP3 file with ID3 version 2.3.0

[drfickle flooterbu ~]$ ll  Music/Comedy/Todd\ Snider\ -\ Beer\ Run.mp3
Music/Todd\ Snider/New\ Connection/Todd\ Snider\ -\ Beer\ Run.mp3
-rw-r--r--  1 drfickle drfickle 2608152 Aug 13  2004 Music/Comedy/Todd
Snider - Beer Run.mp3
-rw-r--r--  1 drfickle drfickle 2608152 Aug 23  2004 Music/Todd
Snider/New Connection/Todd Snider - Beer Run.mp3

After moving the "Todd Snider" directory out of Music directory,
Rhythmbox still hangs. Here is the last few messages:

[0x9ef4728] [rhythmdb_execute_stat_info_cb] rhythmdb.c:1844 (09:10:02):
got error on file:///home/drfickle/Music/Todd Snider/New Connection/Todd
Snider - Beer Run.mp3: Couldn't access file:///home/drfickle/Music/Todd
Snider/New Connection/Todd Snider - Beer Run.mp3: File not found
[0xa098300] [rhythmdb_load_thread_main] rhythmdb.c:2143 (09:10:04):
queuing db load complete signal
[0xa098300] [rhythmdb_load_thread_main] rhythmdb.c:2148 (09:10:04):

I've upgraded to RB just in case it is a gstreamer issue. Also,
although I'm using Fedora Core 4, I'm using the gstreamer 0.8.11
packages from the gstreamer project. None of these packages have been
updated since last year. Unfortunately, I have the same results. If I
move the other copy of that same song out of the way, it gets further
but gets stuck on another song. 

It's also strange because with RB 0.9.2 the library would display
immediately, then do its updates in the background. With 0.9.3.x the
library appears empty.

Is there further debugging information I can provide?


Steve Fox

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