Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Initial rating of new songs

2005/10/25, James Livingston <jrl ids org au>:

2.5 should be saved in the database, and it is for me. When autorating
will still in, sometimes a song would be autorated down to 2.49 which would gets displayed as 2.

If I remember correctly, newly imported songs are displayed with 3 stars (maybe 2.5 rounded up). If I restart Rhythmbox, they have 2 stars and 2,0000 in the database. I'll re-check if this is correct, but I don't have a single song with 2,5 rating in my database (and I definitely did not rate each of them)...

There isn't a way to get a playlist which has only songs rated at 0
though (unless you manually edit playlists.xml). The way to do it would
be to add a new criteria "is not rated" as well as "equals", "at least"
and "at most".

Playlist -> New Automatic Playlist -> select "Rating", select "is", no star is selected.
To get a 0-star rating, click on the first star twice (the second time the first star will be disabled -> rating 0).


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