Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] clearlooks/bluecurve icons

> Hi,
> Would anyone object to updating Rhythmbox' artwork to the
> Bluecurve/Clearlooks icons that Fedora has?  Since it seems like
> Clearlooks is (will be?) the GNOME default theme, it would be good to
> use them I think.
> Screenshots:
> Also...a while back when doing some profiling with gprof I noticed that
> eel_create_colorized_pixbuf was *the* top function in the profile.  This
> is because it's called for rendering every black star - we do some weird
> things to invert the icon and play tricks with the selection.  For
> updating to the Clearlooks icons we dump that crack, and gain a speed
> boost too :)
Isn't it a better idea to put the icons in an gnome-icon-theme. This way
the icons will be themeable and every theme can decide which icons to use


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