Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Practical Rhythmbox usage ...

On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 11:04:16AM -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
> cut 
> > 1) I know all of the id3 thing, but IMVHO there are too much
> > informations on songs, and nothing for albums.
> > If song a and b are from album x written in 1977, probably album x has
> > been written in 1977 :) The date of publication of the album is
> > *really* useful, for example I can order albums by date.
> > Maybe you can wrap id3 data and use it on every element in every list
> > ...
> I think fixing inconsistencies like this is best done with some sort of
> external tool (that probably shares UI and integrates well with
> Rhythmbox).

How ? It seems to me that all "metadata" are collected and used
internally to Rhythmbox.
If I can write a script with Python I'll certainly help: you don't
want me to use C, really :))))
> > 2) I can duplicate entries, this is *bad* IMHO. 
> Duplicate how?  By simply having multiple copies of the song on disk? 
> Or by having symlinks from elsewhere pointing to it?

I don't know how it's handled by RB. For example I have all my mp3s
inside ~/Desktop/Music, i.e. inside ~/Desktop/Music/Pixies/Doolittle I
have the album Doolittle. If I add the directory Doolittle 2 times I
have all my songs duplicated.

> > I'd like a dialog with
> > an "apply" checkbox when Rhythmbox founds a duplicate entry ("This song
> > already exist" "Add, "Skip", "Apply to all the directory", just to
> > give an idea).
> Ideally we could make it Just Work without having to use a dialog...

Yes, but maybe someone for some strange reasons wants duplicates :)

> > Sometimes happens that I accidentally remove a song
> We *do* need a confirmation dialog for removing from the library for
> sure.
> > 3) I can't edit id3 tags, but this is probably planned for the future
> > ...
> Yep.


I've forgot another issue (sorry):
If I make a little change in a song RB doesn't mantain metadata, for
example ratings or passages. Quite irritating, maybe someone wants to
rate everything ...


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