[Rhythmbox-devel] Practical Rhythmbox usage ...

First of all I want to say a big thank you for this wonderful piece of
software, I use it all the time and I think it's the most complete and
usable on Unix.

I'd like to give some feedback abot some "warts" that sometimes come
up by using Rhythmbox every day and with a lot of mp3.

I'm something like a music "feticist" (ugh) so I use Rhythmbox to
manage more than 500 ripped CDs (my entire collection), I don't have a
bunch of unordered mp3s.

1) I know all of the id3 thing, but IMVHO there are too much
informations on songs, and nothing for albums.
If song a and b are from album x written in 1977, probably album x has
been written in 1977 :) The date of publication of the album is
*really* useful, for example I can order albums by date.
Maybe you can wrap id3 data and use it on every element in every list

2) I can duplicate entries, this is *bad* IMHO. I'd like a dialog with
an "apply" checkbox when Rhythmbox founds a duplicate entry ("This song
already exist" "Add, "Skip", "Apply to all the directory", just to
give an idea).
Sometimes happens that I accidentally remove a song, than I forget
what I've removed, and I don't know how to add it again without
looking at all songs on all CDs. Hours and hours :)

3) I can't edit id3 tags, but this is probably planned for the future

That's all, sorry for the long mail.
BTW, wonderful software, thank you.


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