Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Jukebox playlist

On Tue, 2004-05-18 at 07:08, Benjamin Otte wrote:

> Dude, you removed every feature I use and kept all the features I don't
> use.


> This proposal does make rb look very much like Muine in fact (IMO of
> course).

I don't think so really.  Again this has little to do with Muine, and
much more with replacing XMMS.

>  With the main difference being that it doesn't use a different
> window for playlist addition but puts it in the lower part of the window.
> Which is probably why that new proposal doesn't suit the shuffle people in
> here.

Shuffle is handled by "Auto Play".  I'll try to come up with a mockup
for that today.

> That said, I think the best approach would be to add a tree view where you
> have your pulldown box that always displays the Jukebox playlist. I
> think I'd make it 3-5 songs high. Then make the jukebox playlist just a
> different playlist. Make it possible to hide that widget just like it's
> possible to hide the browser. 

Hmm.  The jukebox, the browser, and the song list could all be visible
at once?  That seems like it'd be too big.

> And give me my search box back. ;)

Yeah, I really don't want to leave that out.

> Oh, and the position slider, too.

Yeah.  That's more of a smaller detail though, I mainly wanted to get
across the idea of the play queue up top.

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