Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] [PROPOSAL] A new rating approach

On Sat, 2003-11-15 at 06:21, Luca Ferretti wrote:

> Dunno.... IMHO current implementation has at least two issue: first you
> have to you have to 'scrub' to set the desired rating, second if you
> place the mouse pointer over the rating column and you click to select
> list entry, you change the rating.

Yeah, I agree that's bad.

> Same behavior for lists demos in GTK+: first clic select the list row,
> second click enable you to edit the "cell".

That's exactly what I'm suggesting; I believe we can write custom editor
widgets for the list cells.  So we just make one that pops up a
GtkOptionMenu with the various ★ characters in it, and it will work just
like other regular list editing.

> 'cause it's ugly on my system :-) looks to be a bitmap on my system, unfortunately.  But so is
your suggestion of U+25CF (●).
> And it's so small (on my system): can
> we use the <big> tag in menu and list?

I think so, yeah.

> The dot char is 'font safe' IMHO. But we can add a gconf key to
> customize desired char.


> You can cut, copy or delete multiple items per time, isn't it? So IMHO
> allow rating multiple items per time make rb consistent with itself and
> with other application.

Ok, sounds reasonable then.

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