Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] [PROPOSAL] A new rating approach

On Thursday 13 November 2003 23:27, Colin Walters wrote:
> > 3. Add a new submenu in Edit
> >
> >         Edit -> _Rating ->
> >                         [ _0 No rating ]
> >
> >                         |  ----------- |
> >                         | _1 *         |
> >                         | _2 **        |
> >                         | _3 ***       |
> >                         | _4 ****      |
> >
> >                         [ _5 *****     ]
> So if we allow direct manipulation (and I think we should), then do you
> think it's really going to be common enough to set the rating of a lot
> of songs at once to make this menu entry worthwhile?

Why not? It shouldn't be very hard to code and it's handy for people that 
don't know the keyboard shortcuts (yet). They learn what the shortcut is and 
are able to set the rating without using a mouse.

As for rating multiple songs at once: select them and use the keyboard 
shortcut, I think it's intuitive that it sets the rating for all the selected 
For the mouse, this is a bit harder. After selecting multiple songs and 
clicking the rating-widget of one of them, what would you expect? Just rating 
that one song, or all of them? You could also add a rightclick-menu with the 
same contents as the quoted one above, but this has the same intuitivity 
problem. Maybe using the rating-widget should only set the rating for that 
song, the rightclick-menu for all the selected ones.
A Dieu,
	Robert Zwerus - e-mail:
	ICQ UIN: 3943443 - MSN:

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