Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] play in random order

I would also suggest that in random mode the current song should be
slightly less likely to be played again right away.  I would even argue
that a random selection could be interpreted as meaning any song,
*other* than the song just played.

The purists out there will argue that the random is random, but I think
this would be closer to what a user expects.  It always seems strange 
when the same song is played many times in a row, which becomes fairly
probable when there are very few songs selected.


On Wed, 2003-11-12 at 07:50, Wolfgang Pichler wrote: 
> hi all,
> wouldn't it be a nice thing if the "play files random" option would be a
> little bit more inteligent ?
> I am thinking about that files are getting selected randomly, but that
> files which wern't played for a long time (or never) are getting higher
> ranked. So that if you choose random it is random - but you have a good
> chance to hear all the files in your playlist.
> What do you think about it ?
> mfG
> Wolfi
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Gisli Ottarsson <>


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