Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] play in random order

This is different from person to person actually. :)

I prefer truely random, so every file always has the same probability
You'd like a weighed probability based on how long the file hasn't been
Others liked to be able to base probability on things like rating.
Some people requested Shuffle, so that files that already have been played
aren't played again.

There's no golden way I guess :)


On Wed, 12 Nov 2003, Wolfgang Pichler wrote:

> hi all,
> wouldn't it be a nice thing if the "play files random" option would be a
> little bit more inteligent ?
> I am thinking about that files are getting selected randomly, but that
> files which wern't played for a long time (or never) are getting higher
> ranked. So that if you choose random it is random - but you have a good
> chance to hear all the files in your playlist.
> What do you think about it ?
> mfG
> Wolfi
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