Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] play in random order

Does anyone here watch basketball?  Stick with me, this is relevant. The
way they do the draft is that the worst teams get weighted more heavily
when it comes to see who gets the first round pick.  This way, worse
teams have a better chance to get the first pick, but not guaranteed.   

Songs could get weighted more heavily the longer they are not played. 
e.g. each song has a weight of 1 to start (zero doesn't make sense in
probability terms I guess).  When a song is played, all other songs get
a weight of weight + 1, and the song that was just played goes back to
1.  That way, the songs that haven't been played in a long time have a
much higher chance of being played as time goes on, although its not

This, of course, requires a randomization algorithm that can deal with
weighted probability events.  


On Thu, 2003-11-13 at 13:18, Gisli Ottarsson wrote:
> I would also suggest that in random mode the current song should be
> slightly less likely to be played again right away.  I would even argue
> that a random selection could be interpreted as meaning any song,
> *other* than the song just played.
> The purists out there will argue that the random is random, but I think
> this would be closer to what a user expects.  It always seems strange 
> when the same song is played many times in a row, which becomes fairly
> probable when there are very few songs selected.
> Gisli
> On Wed, 2003-11-12 at 07:50, Wolfgang Pichler wrote: 
> > hi all,
> > 
> > wouldn't it be a nice thing if the "play files random" option would be a
> > little bit more inteligent ?
> > 
> > I am thinking about that files are getting selected randomly, but that
> > files which wern't played for a long time (or never) are getting higher
> > ranked. So that if you choose random it is random - but you have a good
> > chance to hear all the files in your playlist.
> > 
> > What do you think about it ?
> > 
> > mfG
> > Wolfi
> > 
> > 
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