Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] yet another new mockup (meta)

tis 2003-05-13 klockan 20.45 skrev Danny Silverman:
> > There may be legal issues too, don't want to be too much like itunes.
> Potentially so.  I believe the xtunes concern was more about the name 
> itself, because afaik they renamed it and kept going, its just that 
> their't that good. imho. ;)

no, it was also the ui being to similar.. they actually made it even
worse now .. :)

> > But there is still the problem of
> > having the same button change from an action button to a toggle button
> > when you change views.
> This is true.  Apple makes it even wierder because the button keeps 
> pulsating when its ripping or burning.  Or maybe thats considered making 
> it more consistent...not sure.


> > What happens when I hit burn on my 40 hr library? 
> > 
> > if (selection > the capacity of a cdr)
> > 	display.error.dialog
> Yeah, okay, I give you that one. :P
> > If you mean "click on a cd and click rip" then i agree
> Right, that one.
> > Hmm, I do like the idea of an "Add playlist button". IMHO this is a lot
> > more commonly used than a lot of the other stuff we've agreed to put in
> > the ui.
> If its next to the shuffle/repeat buttons, its different because its an 
> action and not a toggle.  Still, Apple does it, and I don't think it 
> really confuses people...  I'm really not sure how to avoid this besides 
> doing things that take up a lot more screen space (checkboxes, etc.), 
> and the fact that the buttons behave differently doesn't seem to be a 
> big issue in my unscientific tests.  Still, if there was a way  to 
> indicate that the button  behaves differently (or at least space it 
> slightly more apart) that might be useful.

I dont think we need that new playlist buttn in the main ui.. for the
same reason as burn cd.. it's something you do maybe a few times..
certainly not all the time.. 

> I feel bad continually suggesting the Apple way, but in truth I like 
> Rhythmbox because I'm looking for an iTunes-like Linux player...hope I'm 
> not upsetting anyone. :)
> ~Danny

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