Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] audiocd view in (net)rhythmbox

On Sat, 2003-05-03 at 08:45, MArk Finlay wrote:
> > Jorn and I briefly discussed details on IRC, and I think what we'll end
> > up doing is sort of just keep merging each other's ideas and code until
> > we reach a point where netrb and rb are the same thing.
> Hmm, well you are the hackers - but don't forget what happened to the 
> anjutas - in the end someones code will die

Well, code is dying, yes, but it's so far code that needed to be killed,
like all the view stuff, and I also killed some of the extra crack I had
in my statusbar.  

> I experimented with some ideas on

Ok.  I think the last one is kind of OK, but I don't like the others at
all.  I agree that the current UI is a bit cluttered, but I also do
really like the search thingy.  After all it's one of the great
strengths of a Rhythmbox-like approach to managing your music where
stuff like xmms just sucks. 

> I'm not going to get to a linux box for a while and in general
> won't be around much for the next while but i suggest
> you get involved here:
> and maybe work with Mark H on is ideas..


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