Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] CD burning

On Mon, 2003-08-18 at 09:22, Ross Burton wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm starting on my long-term To Do of adding audio CD burning to
> Rhythmbox (as I agree with Alex that audio CD burning should be removed
> from nautilus-cd-burner.
First of all, I dont know anything about nautilu-cd burner. Is there any
help available for it?
I thought the default burner for gnome was supposed to be gnome-toaster.
I think its really cool to have integration of the music library and cd
recorder on your system. The way I thought it would be is different
though. I thought the way to go would be to have the music library
manager a bonobo control which will sit inside the rest of the gui of
rhythmbox(radio etc). ANd that this bonobo control could be used by
other full-fledge cd authoring tools like gtoaster. Does this idea
appealto anybody? If rhythm box wanted to have its own burner, it could
still use the same architecture and have a separate ui for burner which
will embed the music manager inside it. Ofcourse this will require some
architecture rethinking but it will be exciting and I think it will
help. Just my 0.02 bytes :)
All the best.

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