Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] audiocd view in (net)rhythmbox

lör 2003-04-19 klockan 22.35 skrev Mark:
> > Once again I still think it is better to have these things fixed in
> > gstreamer and not work around them, there is really no hurry - we don't
> > have an rb ready for release anyway.
> Yes, but we do have net-rhythmbox that a lot of us are using to get us
> by for the moment, and as long as there are people using it walters will
> probably maintain it, and if he can't use mm HEAD then he'll maintain
> his fork, which I agree with but it's bad.

I'm seriously wondering if anyone is actually using netrb? It's really
not usable for me, very crashy..

> Would be great if we could find a compromise between mm's long term
> goals and net-rhythmbox's short term goals.
> MArk

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