Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] audiocd view in (net)rhythmbox

lör 2003-04-19 klockan 17.02 skrev Colin Walters:
> On Sat, 2003-04-19 at 10:15, Jorn Baayen wrote:
> > They are rather rigorous work arounds, as in a lot of code shuffling so
> > #ifdeffing would be a huge mess.
> GStreamer 0.6.1 fixes almost all the issues.  The only problem for me is
> that spider still doesn't work for some iradio stations.  So I have a
> small #ifdef for it that hardcodes to mad for GStreamer 0.6.x.

I think it is really important we should not hardcode mad there, I don't
know of any vorbis stations but who knows - we should definetely support
Once again I still think it is better to have these things fixed in
gstreamer and not work around them, there is really no hurry - we don't
have an rb ready for release anyway.

> > I just  reimplemented audiocd in HEAD monkey-media.
> Neat.  Could you look at the current net-rhythmbox/monkey-media CVS HEAD
> and decide whether or not you'd find a merge acceptable?  My
> monkey-media tree has support for buffering and stuff.

Yeah, that buffering and queue stuff would be good to have - could you
make a patch adding this to mm head?


> I just looked at monkey-media HEAD and it looks like a merge would be
> quite doable.
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