Re: 3.33/3.34 schedule draft: questions

On Sun, Mar 10, 2019 at 1:17 PM, mcatanzaro gnome org wrote:

Looks like the .90 is currently scheduled for two weeks before your feature freeze, so pushing it back one week, like I suggest, should be OK.

The .1 looks tight, though. In our current schedule, we have .1 tarballs due Monday, actual release on Wednesday (you know tarballs won't all work before then), and then Ubuntu final freeze Thursday. Good luck? Pushing it back one week, as I suggested, would make that impossible. We could put the .1 release three weeks after .0, rather than four weeks, to give you at least a chance, but it looks really tight regardless. Thoughts?

Ah, I see Andre already released the schedule with my previously-suggested changes, which puts .1 the same week as Ubuntu's final freeze (Monday tarball deadline, Wednesday release, Thursday freeze).

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