3.33/3.34 schedule draft: questions

I've put up a draft schedule at
https://wiki.gnome.org/ThreePointThirtythree and in

Problem: GUADEC is very late (end of August) and 3.34 release should be
in early September. On the other hand, anyone can branch gnome-3-34
from master early and still hack away on master?

Not sure how many people will be happy to create .92 tarballs while
being at GUADEC (and someone to do the release)? If you think it's no
problem to have the .92 at GUADEC then I'm happy to make the hardcode
freeze again only one week (currently two weeks) and have a .4 release
again (I currently went only for 3 unstable releases before .90 comes).

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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