Re: Freeze break request for gnome-shell

With 24 hours to go from the cut off deadline for 3.30, I don’t think this is a good idea; this can wait for 3.30.1, and might as well use the appropriate fix. Most distros will ship that version anyway.


On Sun, 2 Sep 2018 at 17:13, verdre <verdre v0yd nl> wrote:
I have an alternative solution which would be more compatible with
changes we'll make in the future, could this one also get an approval?

It's even less intrusive than the other one since there's no need to
stop initially hiding the label.

Thank you,

On 02.09.2018 02:37, mcatanzaro gnome org wrote:
> I'll give a hesitant +1 to this one, since the change is small.
> If you consider it important enough for a 3.30.0 freeze break, rather
> than waiting three weeks for 3.30.1, then it should also important
> enough to backport to 3.28. It would be nice to see this fixed there too.
> Thanks for solving it,
> Michael
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